Ground Up, made in collaboration with Aaron Suggs, is a work of video, photographs, and sculpture that explores how the landscape of Memphis, TN, a city crisscrossed by train tracks and highways and dense with freight train and tractor trailer traffic, echoes structural conditions of film — for example, how the rectangle of a passing freight train car across a truck’s windshield is like the passage of a filmstrip across the light of a projector. It is a reflection of the mechanics of film and image making, geography, and time.


Mallory / Florida Ground Detail in progress

Ground Up 7cropped

Mallory / Florida Ground Detail

Ground Up 6 cropped

Mallory / Florida Ground Detail

Mallory / Florida Ground Detail

Mallory / Florida Ground Detail

Mallory / Florida Ground Detail

Mallory / Florida Ground Detail

Ground Up 3a cropped

Mallory / Florida Ground Detail